
Buy Mulch

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Our mulch is an all-natural brown color with a very diverse blend of organic materials to help feed your soil. One of the best benefits of any mulch is its ability to retain soil moisture. Organic mulches break down over time and contribute to soil health. This can be very helpful, especially if your soil fertility is poor. Mulch reduces erosion and helps with weed control.

Buying locally-sourced soil products from San Diego County is a great way to help local business, and more importantly, a phenomenal way to save huge on shipping costs. Many local gardeners and landscapers in Encinitas have been using our mulch for years. There’s no other place that has bulk mulch for sale in the Encinitas/Carlsbad area!

Choose either delivery or pickup: Our tractor is on site to help load your truck or trailer (appointment only).
Delivery rates start at $140. Local discounts available.

Pickup (appointment only)

$18.50 per cubic yard


$18.50 per cubic yard
Delivery rates start at $140
Local discounts available


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  • Retaining moisture in the soil.
  • Organic mulches break down over time and contribute to soil health.
  • Weed control can be achieved with good mulch.
  • Erosion Control and soil stability though mulching.
  • Pest control. Some mulch types, such as cypress, cedar or pinewood chips, do an excellent job of repelling ticks, gnats and fleas.

What is Mulch?

So what is mulch, exactly? Definitions vary, but the common thread is this: A mulch can be any protective covering that keeps your soil intact by preventing its loss from wind and water erosion, and regulated through effective aeration and moisture-control (your soil is more than its mineral and nutrient composition—it needs to “breathe”). Oxygen is key!

We’re going to level with you about something that’s not necessarily in our best interest to talk about, since we’d prefer to turn a profit here at Victory Garden Nursery in Carlsbad California: Quality topsoil is an expensive commodity. We should know, we sell it. Now we're going to let you in on how to avoid ever having to buy expensive topsoil from us ever again. The answer? Mulch!

If you had a pile of hundred-dollar bills, would you just leave them in the yard to blow away? Laugh now, but NOT mulching is no different than that!

The Planet Earth keeps herself naturally mulched as part of the circle of life. As plants shed and decompose, they deposit nutrient-rich material (or “compost”), along with cellulose-rich material: the mulch. While compost is absorbed by the topsoil, becoming “humus”, the mulch layer does not decompose as quickly and remains as a protective, natural barrier against the elements.

Eventually, though, everything decomposes and you’re going to want to ensure that whatever was in your mulch is something you’d also want in your soil. Even if you have a reclamation plan, you’re never going to be able to get every piece (ever see what happens to a plastic tarp left in the sun?), and plastics will leech chemicals even while appearing to remain intact, and don’t even get us started on toxic dyes and treatments.

NOTE: Mulch can do harm if over-used. Be careful to not pile mulch on tree trunks or plant stems. Also, freshly-chipped or mulched up trees that have not had a chance to “age” or decompose can have a negative impact on soil health.

Back when you were a kid, remember pulling up rocks or branches to reveal that dark, moist soil and the critters that inhabit it? Rollie-pollies, pincherbugs, earthworms, and ground beetles, along with microbes - invisible to the naked eye are called the “decomposers” in the circle of life, and are crucial to its perpetuation in that they break down organic matter into a bio-available state.

We’ve discussed how a healthy mulch layer can preserve nutrient-rich topsoil by preventing erosion, but did you know mulch also plays a key role in the creation and accumulation of topsoil by providing the ideal conditions for the decay and reclamation of organic materials by nature’s decomposers? Essentially, your mulch layer is your automated compost factory, courtesy of Mother Earth. Build it, and they will come.

After the mulch has done its job creating an ideal environment for the decomposers to do their work, the freshly-available nutrients can be absorbed by the “producers”, aka plants—the first step in the circle of life. This, in turn, ensures that the “consumers” (us) have delicious, nutritious, locally-grown, organic apples and peaches to enjoy, and that when we toss that core or pit onto the ground, the cycle starts anew.

Now that we’ve dispelled some of the myth about mulch being a sort of secondary consideration—an afterthought, with respect to the overall health of our yards or gardens, we see, instead, that mulch impacts (indeed, regulates) the very cycle that keeps life flourishing on our planet. You get what you put it, and that being said, the necessity of choosing the right mulch becomes manifest.

As a general rule of thumb, you don’t want anything in your mulch that you don’t want becoming part of your soil, and by extension, the microbes and insects it feeds, the nutrients your plants absorb, and the crops they yield for human consumption. Remember, we are what we eat! Victory Mulch is all-natural, free of, dyes, and synthetics of any kind. Order mulch now and find out how the perfect mulch can drastically transform your North County yard or garden.

“Preparation is key!”

“If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours sharpening my axe. So prepare.”

— Abraham Lincoln

Phone: (760) 652-9063

Address: 825 Orpheus Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024
(appointment only)